
In a refugee camp in Jordan, where I spent my early years, technology was a rare luxury. But even there, I stumbled upon a Pentium III computer in a small shop, and something clicked. Assembling those machines wasn’t just a way to pass the time; it was my first step into a world I never knew I could be part of.

I was the first in my family to go to college, and I chose computer science not just because it intrigued me, but because it felt like a way forward. It wasn’t just about learning code; it was about understanding how to make something from nothing, how to build, innovate, and create.

Design became my language, my way of connecting with people. Whether it’s piecing together a computer or crafting a user experience, it’s about understanding the parts and knowing how they fit together. It’s about leadership in UX and Product Design, not just following trends but setting them, and leading teams to do the same.

This isn’t a job for me; it’s who I am. It’s about striving for something better, pushing boundaries, and never settling. I invite you to come along as I share what I’ve learned, what drives me, and how I approach leadership in this ever-evolving field.

Leadership Philosophy

My leadership style isn’t about grand speeches or imposing my will. It’s about trust, empathy, and coaching. I believe in enabling my team to achieve self-empowerment, guiding them to discover their potential rather than dictating their path.

The Five P's

Purpose, People, Process, Product, and Perseverance

I firmly believe that addressing the matters of Purpose, People, and Process first is the key to building exceptional Products.


Understanding the ‘why’ behind what we do. It’s about aligning with a shared vision and knowing the impact we aim to make.


Investing in the team, recognizing individual strengths, and fostering a culture where everyone feels valued and heard.


Creating and evolving frameworks that support innovation, collaboration, and efficiency. It’s not about rigid rules but flexible guidelines that serve our goals.


Focusing on the end goal, the tangible result of our efforts. It’s about crafting experiences that resonate with users and drive business growth.


Driving all the other P’s to fruition, perseverance is about staying committed through challenges. It maintains resilience and focus to ensure we meet our goals without compromising our values or vision.

As a leader, my role is to set the stage for success, providing the tools, environment, and support my team needs to thrive. I’m not here to tell them what to do but to help them figure out how to do it best. It’s a partnership, a journey we take together, driven by a shared passion for design and a commitment to excellence.


Leading by Example

I believe actions speak louder than words. So, when I say we’re going to innovate, I’m right there in the trenches with you, figuring out the best design strategy. It’s not just about setting goals; it’s about rolling up our sleeves and getting it done together.

People First

Work isn’t just a bunch of tasks on a board; it’s a team effort. I make it a point to know what makes each team member tick. What are your strengths? What fires you up? Knowing this helps me guide the team in a way that makes everyone shine.

Learn-it-All Together

We’re all on this learning journey together. The tech world is always changing, and staying stagnant isn’t an option. I encourage a culture where we’re all sharing the latest articles, trends, and tools. It’s about growing together.

Leading by Example

I believe actions speak louder than words. So, when I say we’re going to innovate, I’m right there in the trenches with you, figuring out the best design strategy. It’s not just about setting goals; it’s about rolling up our sleeves and getting it done together.

People First

Work isn’t just a bunch of tasks on a board; it’s a team effort. I make it a point to know what makes each team member tick. What are your strengths? What fires you up? Knowing this helps me guide the team in a way that makes everyone shine.

Learn-it-All Together

We’re all on this learning journey together. The tech world is always changing, and staying stagnant isn’t an option. I encourage a culture where we’re all sharing the latest articles, trends, and tools. It’s about growing together.

Leadership Commitments


Culture is the heartbeat of our team, fueled by a shared vision that we’re all passionate about. If you ever feel disconnected from what we’re all striving for, know that my door is always open. My role is to ensure you’re not just clocking in and out but are genuinely invested in our mission.

A vibrant culture is a collective effort. It’s about creating an environment where we can all thrive, where every voice is heard, and where we’re in a constant state of growth. Our goals should be crystal clear, guiding us not just in doing great work but also in becoming better along the way.


Fostering an environment of transparency and trust. I’m committed to sharing what I know, breaking down barriers, and empowering everyone to speak freely.

I get it, nobody likes being kept in the dark or getting only half the story. So, here’s my promise: If you ask me something and I don’t know the answer, you’ll hear a straightforward “I don’t know.” If I do know but can’t share, I’ll be upfront about that too. The goal is to keep things as open as possible, so we’re all on the same page.

Open Communication

Open communication is what helps us tackle tough challenges. But let’s be real, It’s not just about speaking your mind; it’s about listening to understand, Feel free to disagree, question, or even challenge me. That’s how we grow and solve the problems we face.

Now, a few ground rules. First, psychological safety is a must. We’re all here to learn and grow, and that can only happen if we feel safe sharing our thoughts. Second, communication can get awkward, and that’s okay. We’ll lean on respect, values, and empathy to get us through those moments. Everyone has an equal voice. And lastly, let’s keep it positive and respectful. Negative behavior has no place here; it only serves to create a toxic environment.

Setting Expectations

It’s all about aligning our design efforts with business value. We’ll use the SMART framework to set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound objectives. This ensures that we’re not just aiming for the moon but have a rocket, a flight plan, and a timeline to get there. Open communication is key; we’ll regularly check in on your progress, adjust as needed, and celebrate the wins. This way, we’re not just meeting expectations but exceeding them.

Decision Making

Decision-making is a team sport here. It’s not just me calling the shots; it’s about us coming together to make the best choices for our team, product, or organization. We’ll bring in the right minds, kick out the biases, and use the best strategies for the situation at hand. Then, we’ll roll up our sleeves and get to work.

Your voice matters in this process. Whether you’re a talker or a writer, I want to hear from you. If you’re more comfortable jotting down your thoughts, go for it—just make sure it’s timely and relevant. Because at the end of the day, we’re all steering the ship toward success.

Performance Feedback

Performance feedback in my team is an ongoing dialogue, not a one-time event. I use the COIN model to keep our conversations structured and actionable. That means we’ll start with the Context where your performance is being evaluated, followed by my Observations on specific behaviors or results. We’ll then discuss the Impact of those actions, whether it’s on the team, the project, or our broader goals. Finally, we’ll map out the Next steps for either improvement or continued success.

Consistency is key. I aim to provide a balanced mix of positive and constructive feedback throughout the year, so there are no surprises come review time. Our one-on-ones are a dedicated space for these discussions, ensuring you’re on track and getting the support you need. And hey, this is a two-way street. Feel free to ask me how you’re doing at any time or offer your own insights. After all, feedback is how we all grow.

Career Development

You’re the driver of your own career journey, and I’m in the passenger seat with the map and some solid playlists (or, you know, career advice). We’ll kick things off by diving into your values, vision, and goals—both the immediate ones and the dream-big kind.

Next, we’ll get into the nitty-gritty. Where are you now, and where do you want to be? Got strengths you want to play to? Skills you’re itching to develop? We’ll sketch out a roadmap with milestones to guide you, whether you’re aiming for design leadership or something else entirely. And hey, life happens. If you need to reroute, that’s cool. Just keep me in the loop so we can adjust the plan together. Ready to hit the gas?


Mentorship matters to me because it shaped my career. I follow a framework that focuses on effective leadership, clear goals, and open communication. We’ll dig into the nitty-gritty like setting intentions and using data smartly. I’ll help you navigate tricky areas like getting buy-in for your vision and removing any communication roadblocks. It’s all about empowering you to lead your own career path while contributing meaningfully to the team. Let’s grow together.

Recognition and Praise

Let’s not underestimate the power of a simple “thank you” or a shout-out during a team meeting. I’m all in for recognizing and celebrating your hard work and achievements. If you or a teammate has gone above and beyond, don’t hesitate to give me a heads-up. We’re better when we lift each other up, and a little recognition can go a long way in building a culture we’re all proud to be part of.

Workplace Visibility

It’s easy for individual contributions to get lost in the shuffle. That’s why one of my core commitments as a leader is to ensure your work doesn’t just shine but also gets the spotlight it deserves. I actively seek opportunities to showcase your talents, whether it’s by assigning you to high-impact projects, recommending you for cross-functional teams, or highlighting your successes in team meetings and to upper management.

Visibility isn’t just about being seen; it’s about being recognized and valued. To that end, I’m committed to being your advocate. I’ll provide regular, constructive feedback to help you refine your skills and meet your career goals. But I’ll also be your biggest cheerleader, celebrating your wins and making sure they’re noticed by the people who matter. Through mentorship, sponsorship, and just plain speaking up, I’ll help you build a reputation that opens doors—both within our team and beyond.


Our one-on-ones are a weekly touchpoint, and they’re all about you. This is your space to steer the conversation. Whether you want to dive into immediate challenges, discuss skill development opportunities, or just need a sounding board, I’m here for it.

And, if you’ve got feedback for me, lay it on. This is also a chance for me to learn how I can better support you. So, whether you come with a full agenda or just a few bullet points, make this time count. It’s our baseline for keeping the lines of communication open and clear.

Cross-Functional Collaboration

In our work, the ‘X in the Box’ approach is more than a methodology; it’s our north star for collaboration. This framework brings together various business units—be it Design, Tech, or Business—to function as one cohesive team. The goal? To craft world-class products that resonate with users and drive business growth.

The real magic happens when we operate as a single, unified team rather than isolated units. This collective strength is what allows us to innovate and deliver results that exceed expectations. So, when we talk about success, it’s not just about the end product but also about the collective strength we build along the way. Trust me, that’s something truly valuable.


Meetings in our team follow the POAD framework—Purpose, Objective, Activities, and Deliverables. It’s a straightforward way to ensure we’re not just gathering for the sake of it. We aim to align as a team, set clear intentions, and leave with actionable next steps.

When you receive a meeting invite from me, you can expect it to be clear about the ‘why’ and the ‘what.’ If I ever miss the mark and send an invite without a clear agenda, don’t hesitate to bring it to my attention. We’re all here to make the most of our time and talents, and that starts with purposeful meetings.

Working Hours

Look, we’ve all got lives outside of work, right? I get that. I juggle my hours to fit both the job and my personal stuff, and I trust you to do the same. We’ve got teammates in different time zones, so flexibility isn’t just nice—it’s necessary. If you’ve got to shift your regular hours for something big like childcare or health, let’s talk.

Now, if you see emails from me at odd hours, don’t sweat it. I’m not expecting you to respond while you’re enjoying your weekend or late-night Netflix binge. Handle your business when it works for you; no one’s keeping score here.

My Expectations

What I expect from you

Intellectual Engagement

Be fully engaged, both mentally and emotionally. Your curiosity should be your compass, guiding you to dig deeper into your work. I expect you to be a lifelong learner, always questioning and never settling for the surface-level answer. Your relentless pursuit of “why,” “how,” “what,” and “when” will be the catalyst for your growth and our innovation.

Cross-Functional Influence

You’re not just a designer; you’re a communicator. I expect you to be the glue that binds us to other departments, articulating our design vision in a language that everyone can understand. Your cross-functional communication skills are vital to our collective success.

Embrace Failure

Failure is not a setback; it’s an opportunity. The “fail fast” philosophy is our fast track to innovation. By quickly identifying what doesn’t work, we can pivot more effectively toward what does. It’s all part of the learning process.

Courageous Insight

Speak your mind. Your unique perspective is not just welcomed; it’s essential. Defend your ideas, but also be willing to pivot when another approach proves more effective. Courage in this context means standing your ground when you believe you’re right and gracefully adapting when you’re not.

Collaborative Critique

Critique sessions are more than just a feedback loop; they’re a collaborative tool for refining and elevating our work. I encourage you to bring your designs—no matter how raw—into this space. The goal is constructive improvement, not judgment.

Continuous Learning

Mistakes are part of the journey. What matters is how you respond to them. Learn, adapt, and grow. Repeating the same mistake is the only real failure. Let’s focus on continuous improvement and evolving together as a team.

Visionary Leadership

Leadership is an action, not just a title. I expect you to be a beacon for our team, guiding us toward a unified design vision that aligns with our broader goals. Your role is multi-dimensional: it’s about doing, inspiring, and leading by example.

Open Iteration

Transparency is key. Share your work-in-progress designs with me and the team. This isn’t about impressing anyone; it’s about iterative improvement. The sooner we identify areas for refinement, the better the end result will be.

Your Expectations

What you expect from me


I’m here to set the example, not just give directions. I’ll guide you through the complexities of our work, always aiming to do right by our team, our product, and our users. Expect me to be your mentor and coach, helping you navigate your own path to doing the same.

Equity Advocate

From recruiting to promotions, I strive for equity in every aspect of our team’s life. You can expect a level playing field where respect and fairness are the norms.

Clear Obstacles

My job is to clear the path for you to do your best work. Whether it’s cutting through red tape, negotiating timelines, or resolving conflicts, I’m here to take on the challenges that are keeping you from moving forward. So, if something’s in your way, don’t hesitate to bring it to my attention. Together, we’ll find a way to get past it.


Fire drills, unrealistic timelines, and expectations? Not on my watch. I’ll shield you from distractions and unnecessary pressures so you can focus on delivering your best work. Rest assured, I’ve got your back.


I’m here to empower. My role is to set you up for success and then step aside, giving you the room to excel. You’ll have the autonomy to make decisions, solve problems, and truly own your projects. And if you ever feel like you’re hitting a wall, know that I’m always here to help you break through it. Trust is the foundation of empowerment, and you’ve got mine.

Wrapping It Up

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re interested in how I lead, mentor, and create. I’m all about setting the stage for everyone to do their best work. I focus on removing obstacles, fostering a culture of openness, and ensuring that we’re all aligned on our goals. So whether you’re considering joining my team, partnering with me, or you’re just curious about my approach, know that I’m committed to growth—yours, mine, and the business. Let’s cut through the noise and do something impactful together.
